Types of Irish Dance Classes & LevelsSolo Irish Dance class The most exciting form of Irish dance: Precision footwork and fast legwork… all performed with still arms! Ceili Team Dancing class: Traditional pattern dancing, taught with high-energy and precision, using arms! Choreography / Performance class: Team dancing with fast footwork and arms! Dance Drama class: A story told through Irish dance incorporating softshoe and hardshoe LevelsNew & Beginner level: someone who has never taken Irish dance before, or just taken a few classes Dancers always start with softshoe dance class. After 2-4 months (approx.), hardshoe dance class can be added as an additional class. Advanced Beginner: someone who has taken a year or two of Irish dance Dancers take min. one softshoe class and one hardshoe class per week Intermediate / Novice: someone who can do 2 or 3 dances in softshoe and hardshoe Dancers take min. one softshoe class and one hardshoe class per week Advanced / Prizewinner: someone who can do 5 or 6 dances, including hardshoe, at a high standard Dancers take min. one softshoe class and one hardshoe class per week Preliminary Championship: someone who can do advanced softshoe and slow-speed hardshoe dances Dancers take min. one softshoe class and one hardshoe class per week Open Championship someone who has won all the other levels and can perform difficult dances to a high standard of perfection Dancers take min. one softshoe class and one hardshoe class per week Sign-up HERE |
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